Hormone Hottie Hotline ™️

The Other PMS™️: & Her Story with Colleen Howard--Ep. 12

Dr. LaKeischa

Colleen Howard is a woman of God, wife, and mother.  Born and raised in Toronto Canada, by way of Jamaican-born parents, she shares her Hormone Hottie™️ story against the background of raising a daughter heading into puberty.  :)

Her 9-5 involves corporate accounting, she spends her off hours sharing her gift as a musician (vocalist) and directing her church children’s choir.

She also enjoys playing softball, and strength training (she is a former bodybuilder:)).

If you want to Crack Your Hormone Code and have Dr. LaKeischa start working on a personalized hormone blueprint go to: www.hormonequiz.co (dot co not dot com).

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